LH Audyt Księgowość Doradztwo Kraków
Biuro rachunkowe - Kraków Swoszowice Audyt - Kraków
Księgowość - Kraków
Doradztwo - Kraków


Audit of financial statements

The audit services contain audit of periodical, annual and consolidated financial statements prepared in accordance with:

  • Polish Accounting Act
  • International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS),
  • German GAAP,
  • Group instructionsinstrukcjami z Grupy.

The work is done on the basis of Polish and International Standards of Auditing.

The audit contains interim and final visit. The work schedule contains the analysis and evaluation of the internal control system and organizational security including IT.

The main advantage of the services performed is direct contact with the certified auditor and possibility to consult with her problems and questions which appeared on every step of financial statement preparation process.

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